Young & Young Furniture
214 Main Street

2017 - The Gym at 214 Main

Moore's Clothing Store replaced the original building at this address

Main Street in the 1940s

Young and Young Furniture did business in the 3-story building that once stood at this site. In addition to furniture, they also sold coffins and word was that if you bought one, Duncan Wolfe (a partner in the business and son of the local funeral director) would bring it to your house and help you prepare the body. The building was later McKibben's and eventually Ed Kimbrell ran his furniture store here. The original building burned in 1957. In the replacement building, B.C. Moore's Clothing Store was opened by Harry Hallman. 

The Young family had numerous business ventures, including one under the name of Young & Wolfe. As late as April of 1921, before the partners split, the firm advertised,  The Fort Mill Furniture Men offering - "quality brand aluminum ware, the pride of the kitchen."

16. 220 Main St>